September 30, 2017 10am-4pm:
Spirit animals are animal guides – much like guardian angels – who bring their protective and empowering gifts to the person who needs them. The idea of totem animals is not unique to the American Indian. Spirit guides in the form of animals may be found in the belief systems of China, Africa, Arabia, Asia, Australia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and the Arctic polar region. In this one-day workshop participants will view a presentation of totems throughout the world and then journey to discover their own special animal/s. Then, with the help of Jas Milam, artist/art therapist, participants will use soapstone, rasps and files to carve a pocket or altar sized version of their totem animal. Other materials such as beads, sinew and leather will be available for ornamentation. Finally we will determine what qualities they bring, thank and bless them. You do not need talent or training to benefit from this experience.
$100/person includes all materials