COMING THIS SPRING! An Art Therapy Workshop About the Creative Process

Saturday, March 12, 2022 from 10-2
Cost: $105 includes all materials
I will provide coffee and scones (bring your own lunch)
Have you found healing in art making? Does painting or drawing or doodling help you feel better? Would you like to get more conscious about the creative process or perhaps incorporate artmaking into your Daily Practice? In this daylong mixed media workshop, we will explore the metaphor of creation and creativity through a bird’s nesting process. We will use pre-built nests, airdry clay, and assorted mixed media components to identify the steps in the creative process and make a sculpture about it. Participants will also choose a display/presentation case for their finished nests.
This art therapy workshop will emphasize process and self-expression. You do not need talent or art experience to benefit. I promise.
Questions you may explore:
“Where am I in the nest building process? What exactly am I incubating? What artistic expression is ready to be hatched? To be nurtured? To be released into the world?”
Registration link coming soon…