Saturday, November 11, 2023 10am – 2pm

Using the Imagery and Symbolism developed by Pamela Coleman Smith in the Rider Waite deck, Tarot beginners to advanced may come to see the Major Arcana Spread as the Three Phases of Life and us as – are you ready? – The Fool at every turn. See how understanding the Journey through the Major Arcana can help you see and bless and heal places where your own development could be broken or missing and learn the lesson you were supposed to incorporate on this Journey to Individuation. Followed by a fun bead craft! That tells your story in a tangible form all your own. Bring a lunch to eat while we work. There will be a fridge and microwave on hand as well as coffee and water. No experience necessary!
DATE: Saturday, November 11, 2023
TIME: 10am – 2pm
PLACE: Daily Practice, 1322 Dodds Avenue, near McCallie School Chattanooga, TN.
COST: $105 includes all materials
TO REGISTER: call (423)322-2514 or email [email protected]